Covid 19 update

Following the Governments ‘Road-map to Freedom’ guidelines (step 2), we can welcome back guests for overnight stays from April 12th. We are extremely excited to welcome you back to this beautiful part of the country.

The guidelines issued at the end of March for the re-opening of parks at Step 2:-

Covid measures will be in place and this will include extra cleaning, sanitising stations and keeping the wash blocks well ventilated. Household mixing should be avoided so children should not be using the facilities unaccompanied.

What else is open / opening soon?

Water sports – Book Now

Lakeside Cafe – April 12th (Outside Service)

Gym – 12th April. For membership enquiries tap this link

If you wish to contact us please email quoting your booking reference if you have this from your booking confirmation.

We hope the Roadmap to Freedom continues as planned and we can be back to a more normal way of life in June.

Thank you for your patience.

Kind regards
Martin Newell
Park Manager